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Join our PBL team!

To increase students' motivation to learn English, we're trying to implement the PBL approach into our work. What is learner-centred approach? How to involve students in team work? How to develop their learning skills faster? And, at last, what are the ways of successful preparing students to real- world issues and problems? The answers to these questions you'll find in our book "Enjoy our PBL team!". This is the practical manual to guide teachers and college lecturers.


The Workshop based on the British Council materials.

The Workshop based on the British Council materials.

  As 2016 was declared the year of the English language in Ukraine, Ukrainian teachers were given a great opportunity to update the methodology in teaching language taking the British Council online teaching training courses. I was lucky to take the TKT Essentials:Module 1:Background to language teaching.The course helped me develop expertise in CLT and knowledge of key concepts in ELT.Therefore,I wanted to share this helpful experience with my colleagues.I designed and conducted the workshop entitled "The successful keys to language teaching and learning.Motivation and motivating activities"based on the British Council materials. 
  The workshop started with  questions "What makes a good teacher?" and "What qualities should a good teacher have?". Investigating the issue of skills,knowledge and attitude the teachers defined a great number of qualities a good teacher should possess.Also, the participants of the workshop outlined the factors that motivate students to learn English.No doubt, that motivation is the first step in achieving goals.That's why it's very important to create positive atmosphere while teaching and learning.To illustrate the ways that improve motivation I offered my colleagues to practise activities, namely "Two truths and a lie","Stop the bus","Find someone who..." "Two truths and a lie" is aimed to develop speaking skills and is a good ice-breaking activity. "Find someone who..." is a great way to practise different grammar structures. "Stop the bus" helps learners revise vocabulary. This activity can easily be used with any age group learners.Finally, the teachers learned about motivating approaches in teaching such as writing journals, using authenticity and learning English by songs.
To learn more about the British Council resources follow the links please:

To receive more information about British Coucil resources, please,subscribe to the newsletter following the link http://www.britishcouncil.org.ua/en/year-of-english/updates/newsletter/subscribe



The eTwinning project "Culture Journey"

Attention,attention! The Culture Journey has already started and we're lucky to be passengers on this train.Follow the route!
The stations are Turkey,France,Romania,Albania,Bulgaria,Lithuania,Poland,Tunisia,Portugal,Spain,Italy,Greece,Latvia,Georgia,the United Kingdom,Azerbaijan and of course Ukraine!The project is aimed to learn about the cultural diversity of 18 countries and its cities.
My students made a poster. They cut out the heart flags and created the motto of the project: "We are different but we are one European family!"

 We started this incredible journey with Azerbaijani food!It's as colorful as a rainbow.Every dish and fruit in Azerbaijan correspond to a certain colour. Pilaf,kebab,dolma and sherbet are worth trying because of nourishing ingredients. That's why it's called " male" food. Lavash is eaten as bread. Azerbaijani sweets are baklava and kurabie.They include                      poppy,seeds,walnuts,almonds, sesame seeds, ginger, cardamom.

 Azerbaijan, you're really delicious! Can't wait to learn more about other participating countries!


Extra tasks for the 5th formers

Question tags.

Complete the sentences with question tags.
1. They're working on the project,
2. She doesn't like him,
3. We're late again,
4. My friend is very handsome,
5. Mary and Bill live in a small flat,
6. My sister doesn't cook well,
7. Your car isn't cheap,
8. She can't cook well,
9. We'll see Jack tomorrow,
10.They watched this film yesterday,
11.We had four lessons on Monday,
12.Bob didn't play basketball yesterday,



It's an everyday activity for teachers to divide students into teams or groups and encourage them to participate efficiently at the lesson. Students feel responsible for the common interests. Learning in groups at the lesson gives them the sense of community and motivation. Besides, it's not so stressful for students to answer or do exercises.The learners' contributions are of great value because they incude Teamwork.Teamwork unites  individual strengths and brings out the best in each team member.Teamwork has a miningful way of working together.


proverbs and idioms

According to the Oxford Concise Dictionary, proverb is a short, well-known pithy saying, stating a general truth or piece of advice.Idiom is a group of words established by usage as having a meaning not deducible from those of the individual words. It is neccessary to know the common English proverbs and idioms because people are saying them  in conversations all the time. Learning proverbs can help students understand the way people in English speaking countries think about the world.

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

You should not ​risk ​losing something you already have by ​trying to get something you ​think might be ​better
Better late than never.
It's best to do something on time. But if you can't do it on time, do it late.
Honesty is the best policy
Don't lie
A friend in need is a friend indeed.
A friend who ​helps you when you really need ​help is a ​true friend.
Actions speak louder than words.
What you do is more ​important and ​shows ​your ​intentions and ​feelings more ​clearly than what you say.
Curiosity killed the cat.
You should not ​ask too many ​questions about something.
A good beginning makes a good ending.
Good beginnings promise a good end
An apple away keeps the doctor away.
​Eating an apple each ​day can ​help to ​keep you ​healthy.
He who laughs last, laughs best.
You may laugh now, thinking you have won, but you may not prevail in the end.
Live and learn.
You ​hear or ​discover something that is ​surprising.
It is no use crying over spilt milk.
It is not ​useful ​feeling ​sorry about something that has already ​happened.
Business before pleasure.
You should finish your work before starting to relax and enjoy yourself.
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
Don't risk all of your money or time in one plan.
Two heads are better than one.
Two people cooperate with each other, they come up with better ideas.
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.
You should not ​delay doing something if you can do it ​immediately.
The grass is always greener on the other side of the hill.
People are tend to wish they don't have.
A penny saved is a penny earned.
Saving money is just like making money.


Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

     Dear ones,
 The 2015th year has become fruitful and unforgettable time for me as a teacher. My students inspired me to search for new ways of teaching. Thus, I became a part of Teaching English  Community. Doing the British Council course and the University of Southampton course helped me update my teaching techniques and methods. Visiting  conferences and webinars became a base for making new friends  and finding soulmates from around Ukraine. At last, I was lucky to be a participant of the contest" Teacher of the Year", where I won the third place. 
I'd like to thank my colleagues for collaboration and support. I hope the 2015th year will be as wonderful and productive as the previous one. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
May your New Year be filled with adoration, happiness, warmth, and cheer! May your mirror reflection charm you! May the New Year bring fresh bout of excellence to your life! Set it in your heart that each day of the New Year would keep getting better and better for you!

I wish you to have courage to fight for your dreams and also blessings of Almighty to help you emerge winner as you strive!


6th form

Fill in the gaps with the appropriate indefinite pronouns.

1.I can’t find my mobile phone ........................................ .
2.The glass is empty. ........................................ drank my orange juice.
 3.Do you know ........................................ who has got red hair?
 4. ........................................ is wrong with my mobile because I can ’t hear you.
 5.All my friends are ill. ........................................ is healthy.
 6.The music is too loud. I can’t hear ........................................ .
 7......................................... is looking at us. It’s Sarah.
   No one
8.This room is empty. ........................................ is left.
   Rolling Stones is a very popular band. ........................................ knows it
10.I didn’t do ........................................ wrong.
11.Pat and Tim are in the middle of the desert and they have ........................................ to hide.
12.A rubber is ........................................ in that drawer.
13.Don’t worry. ........................................ will be fine.
  No one
14.We don’t know where is our favourite book. We’ve searched ........................................ .
15.The fridge is empty. Mary has eaten ........................................ .
16.You can’t go ........................................ . You’re grounded.
17.Kate was born ........................................ in Africa.
18.It was pitch-dark in the attic. I could see ........................................ .
19.We are alone. ........................................ is here.
  No one
20.Fast food can be bought almost ........................................ .
                                                                                          from  http://www.my-english.edu.pl/


The E-twinning workshop "From problems to solutions"

    How to develop crytical thinking ? How to become a successful problem solver? Those questions are connected with a teacher's main objectives of the lesson. Svitlana Drobotenko (British Council, Kyiv) suggested using the metod of "six thinking hats" to make lessons more interactive. The method was designed by Edward de Bono which describes a tool for group discussion and individual thinking involving six colored hats. Every colour corresponds to a certain attitude to the problem. To solve a problem you should "try on the hat".

The White Hat calls for information known or needed. "The facts, just the facts." 
yellow hat
The Yellow Hat symbolizes brightness and optimism. Under this hat you explore the positives and probe for value and benefit.
black hat
The Black Hat is judgment - the devil's advocate or why something may not work. Spot the difficulties and dangers; where things might go wrong. Probably the most powerful and useful of the Hats but a problem if overused.
red hat
The Red Hat signifies feelings, hunches and intuition. When using this hat you can express emotions and feelings and share fears, likes, dislikes, loves, and hates.
green hat
The Green Hat focuses on creativity; the possibilities, alternatives, and new ideas. It's an opportunity to express new concepts and new perceptions.
blue hat
The Blue Hat is used to manage the thinking process. It's the control mechanism that ensures the Six Thinking Hats guidelines are observed.

   The benefits your students get are evident. They'll be able to view the problems from new and unusual angles.They'll spot opportunities where others see only problems. The students will learn to think clearly and objectively.
   Using the method of "six thinking hats" makes your lessons more interesting, creates atmosphere of interrelation between the students, motivates them for active collaboration and develops crytical thinking. 


The eTwinning Conference, the 11th of December.


The program of the event included congratulations of the Ministy of Education. Sergii Teplov spoke on  "The Key Competences of European School Education".

What is e-Twinning? eTwinning is a free online community for schools in Europe which allows you to find partners and collaborate on projects within a secure network and platform.

with Sergii Teplov, Project Manager
eTwinning Plus - це найбільша спільнота шкіл Європи. Програма забезпечує діяльність онлайн-платформи для вчителів, на базі якої європейські школи реалізують спільні проекти.


наші новини

наші новини
OUR SONG,5th form
"The future is coming, you got to catch it if you can... " . Do these words inspire you to start doing things you've always dreamed to? Don't stay in the background! It's your life! GO AHEAD!
My students of the 5th form like trying new things. They're smart, creative and amazing. Though, they're not professional singers, they are SUPER kids! I really love them!!!


завдання для учнів

    Extra tasks                               
 the 6 th form

                                                       Present Perfect or Past Simple


Урок у 9-му класі з теми "Success"

Основним завданням учителя є допомогти учням повірити у себе та свої можливості.




Ні для кого не є секретом, що вивчення культурних традицій англомовних країн мотивує учнів вивчати англійську мову, допомагає зрозуміти історію культури, і, безперечно, урізноманітнює уроки в школі. Саме тому Свято Halloween так подобаться моїм учням.

учитель англійської мови Кам'янець-Подільського НВК№9 ім.А.М. Трояна

"So often you find that the students you're trying to inspire are the ones that end up inspiring you." Sean Junkins

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Мені  дуже приємно, що ви зазирнули на мій блог. Сподіваюсь, ви знайдете тут цікаву і корисну інформацію для себе, яка допоможе вам у вивченні англійської мови.